Friday, March 28, 2008

In the beginning... no wait, that's taken

Should I be bothered that I feel stumped on the simple task of naming my blog and it's first entry? No, I think not. Certainly not the first time I've been stumped by a task at first glance. Best to jump in and give my best shot.

So, as I was struggling with mechanics of setting this up a blogging friend asked me "What are you going to be blogging about?" Fine question. Is that a static thing? Solid? Stationary? I sure hope not because that would be unlike just about everything else in my life.

I decided to do this for two reasons really... one to try to get myself back into the pass-time I love but have spent far too little time at lately, writing. And second to have, if only for my own entertainment, a running history of the fun, foolishness, franticness, manic struggle that is my life. Maybe you'll relate to something and let me know I'm not alone. Maybe you'll give me a kick in the ass... Maybe you'll tell me to put my chin up and get on with things... Maybe you'll tell me if I keep doing that I'll get cavities (did I mention I'm eating wine gums now? no, not likely).

Or maybe you'll like traveling along with me. Company is always a good thing. Just don't hog the blankets and be gentle in your criticism. Honest but gentle.

Short and sweet... or something like that. Let's keep it at that; after all, I barely know you.

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