Sunday, March 30, 2008

Seven Random Facts...

I saw this post on someone else's blog and loved the idea. Write seven random facts about yourself and post it. You can invite others to do the same, but I'll stick with just writing them for now. So here goes...

1. I have a scar on my middle knuckle on my left hand from having chicken pox as a kid.

2. I sing all the time but never in front of anyone... unless really really drunk.

3. I'm adopted.

4. I still believe in happy endings despite all evidence to the contrary.

5. I like ABBA. So sue me.

6. I'm not as strong as I profess to be.

7. I like salty more than sweet.

That's it for now. Maybe my seven random facts will change some day. I think what comes out really depends on the mood. Right now, I think I'll go grab some chips and dip.

Talk to you soon.

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