Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Karma Works

I don’t know if you believe in karma, but I certainly do. I have always believed that the good you do comes back to you some day in some way and I have always taken solace in the belief that those who have hurt, caused pain, will have less of that boost of unexpected kindness, rather receiving the same energy they have given out.

But I also believe that the nature of karma is that it is an unpredictable thing. It’s not a bank that you deposit your good deeds into with the plan of making a withdrawal when you need it; rather, it’s a river that you act as a tributary to… adding to in order to make that goodness stronger, wherever it goes.

I have been having a particularly hard time with a certain aspect of my life lately… nothing that I’ve gone into detail in here, but rather something more personal that, despite my best efforts, my struggles seems to be moving farther from resolution rather than closer. It is a discouraging time and I am trying hard to remain secure in my faith in a positive outcome. But I’m struggling and doubtful in the absence of any sign of light.

As I carried on, struggled against what feels to me like quicksand… the more you struggle, the worse it gets, a little miracle happened.

This morning, out of the blue, unexpected and unrequested, words of enormous kindness came my way. Words of encouragement on a completely unrelated issue but words that renewed my faith in myself. I was immediately lifted… I saw again the goodness of the person I can be reflected in the eyes of this messenger. It took me out of my place of darkness and put me firmly back in the sunshine. I thanked this person, but I’m sure my messenger has no idea what a tremendous impact was made upon me.

In what at first glance seems completely unconnected, I sent a quick note of support last night to a local business person who has been struggling with his own challenge that he, unfortunately, has little control over. And considering it has to do with his business, and having had my own business struggles in the past myself, I wanted him to know that he and his wife were on the right path, doing good work and had support from me and I’m sure countless others who are quietly watching what is happening and hoping for a positive outcome. He replied this morning telling me that my words came at a particularly bleak moment and he was grateful for the uplift.

Things usually don’t happen that clearly… the dots don’t usually line up so easily. But that is, what to me, seems to be the miracle about it. Sure it’s a little one, but there are some days that’s all you need.

And as for that struggle… I think I’ll stop with the flailing, sit back and see what happens. Whatever the result, I’ve done what I can.

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